Introduction / Sights / Hero Memorial
Hero Memorial

In the years, following World War I, the municipality’s leadership decided to put a memorial to his fallen sons, who lost their lives on the Russian or Italian fronts and the carved their names into rock, memorizing them to the posterity.
A memorial column was opened during a ceremony in September, 1982. Unfortunately, the story of the memorial did not end with this event, occurred the second great world catastrophe, this time the Hungarian soldiers were commanded to go to the bend of the Don, several of them fell on alien land, they were buried in the territories of today’s Ukraine or Russia. Many of them died in fights in the territory of Hungary. Their names are also treasured on the column of the Hero Monument, on the backside of which there is the list of names of those from Szőlős, who fell between 1939 and 1945 during the front service.
In the spring of 2014, Mihály Jenei decided to carry out a comprehensive renovation at his own expense in the memorial site of the two wars and in its immediate surroundings. During the works the memorial column and the stone fence were re-polished, the letters were re-painted and, restoring the 1928 original state, wrought iron fence and a lampion holder was made, finally, landscaping was carried out and flowers were planted.
In June 29th, in the feast of St. Peter and Paul Apostles, after the Mass, the renovated Hero Memorial of Vértesszőlős was inaugurated and blessed during the ceremony.
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