Introduction / Sights / Country House
Country House

Address: Vértesszőlős, 42. Church u. (50.)Tanács u.
GPS coordinates: N47.619681, E18.382575
Seasonal opening hours: from April 1th to October 31th
Opening of the Country House from April 0, l2016.:
Saturday – Sunday from April 1st to the end of August 14.00-18.00,
from September 1st t-30th: 14.00-17.00,
from October1st to 31th 14.00-16.00.
Guarded tours in Hungarian and Slovak: Skrován Józsefné
For groups during the week by prior arrangement:
Ferenc Németh cultural manager Telephone: 06 30 578-5116
E-mail: The visit is free.
The old farmhouse was bought by the local government for the purpose of placing ethnographic collections. Since then it has been restored and furnished with local furniture and objects. The long farm hose consists of 7 rooms. From these 6 are furnished. The ceilings of the rooms are painted brown board planks and they are supported by cross beams.
The clean room has wooden floor, local woven carpets are laid on it. Two beds are visible at the wall, right of the two windows, the beds are placed with their ends to each other, and they are covered with manufactured bed spread, lined with gilt flower garlands. The tablecloth is made of the same material. The table is in the middle of the room in the third part of the room, closer to the two windows. A female louse for celebration is on the chair, next to it. Over the two windows there is a turned curtain holder, on which Richelieu lacy, pierced hand-embroidered curtains hang. Here, you will find a beautiful, prepared by master, mirror. On the walls we can see holy pictures.
The kitchen has a free chimney, which has remained in its original condition. The shrinking space of the free chimney was formed with burned bricks in a circle. Their soothe color preserves the memory of the former firing. Plates are hanging on the wall, separating the chimney. The upper part of the alcove-like separating wall is supported by a thick wooden beam.
From the kitchen opens the clay floored room, in which the family slept. That is why everyday furniture is visible here, two made beds, wardrobes, a table, and a four drawer commode. There are family pictures on the walls that capture different events.
In the back, so called room for poor people, allegedly lived a young married couple. On the opposite wall there is a side door oval mirror, next to it, a white cradle in the corner, over it there is a nice „odevačka”, hanging on a nail, in which the women took the baby. On the ground there are children’s toys. There is a Singer sewing machine at the wall at the two windows.
At the other wall in the corner can be seen a male and a female puppet, wearing Vértesszőlős traditional costume. Next to the door, leading to the kitchen, there is a three drawer commode, on which there are two angel statues and cups. The crucifix, hanging on the wall and the holy water hold reveal the catholic religious attitude of the family. The other rooms of the building are also ’inhabited’, various craft tools, tools and utensils can be seen in the chamber.
Source: Mária Kutenics
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