Introduction / Sights / Cemetery Chapel
Cemetery Chapel

The chapel has a floor area of 34 m2, in its 14 m tower there is located a 38 kg Saint Joseph bell. The bell was cast in the Csepel Pump and Machinery Factory in 1903. The cast man was Ferenc Walser. On it is the inscription: „ST. JOSEPH, BEG FOR THOSE DYING AND FOR THOSE WHO ARE DEAD!”
From its furnishings two old oil paintings, depicting the sacred hearts of Jesus and Virgin Mary, are originated from the temple, when it was expanded in 1941-42.
Older locals say that during the Second World War the tower pick was hit and fell down. Subsequently minor repairs were made on the chapel then, for the 100th anniversary, in 2003, with the help of municipal, residential and church co-operation its exterior was also renovated. The bell, had been mute already for 2 years, was also repaired, which has been sounded manually since that time. The internal reconstruction was finished in 2005. The statue of Saint Joseph, the patron of the dying, received from the Bánhida parish, was finally replaced on the facade of the chapel.
At the cemetery chapel there are atonement masses after the funeral, it is also open on All Saints day and the Day of the Dead, but by negotiation by e-mail, it can be visited on request.
Marika Ferencné Boda
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